Sunday, August 28, 2011

फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे

फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे
 फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे
जब-जब दीप जलाये तूने
दूर हुये हैं घने अंधेरे
फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे

स्वयं शीघ्र धीरज खोता है
क्रोध कि ऐसा क्यों होता है
नियति नवाती शीश उसी को
जो सनिष्ठ इक टेक चले रे
फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे

वीर पराजित हो सकते हैं
जय की आस नहीं तजते हैं
निष्प्रभ होकर डूबा सूरज
तेजवन्त हो उगा सवेरे
फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे

जग में ऐसा कौन भला है
जिस पर समय न वक्र चला है
धवल-वर्ण हिमकर को भी तो
ग्रस लेते हैं तम के घेरे
फिर क्यों मन मे संशय तेरे

मान झूठ अपमान झूठ है
जीवन का अभिमान झूठ है
जग-असत्य की प्रत्यंचा पर
सायक हैं माया के प्रेरे
फिर क्यों मन में संशय तेरे

शिल्पा सैनी 


  1. A young boy and his grandfather went fishing one afternoon, after a couple of hours of fishing, the grandfather opened a can of beer, the grandson noticed and asked, "Grandpa, can I have a sip of your beer?" His grandfather looked at him and said, "Grandson, Is your penis long enough to touch your ass?" The grandson replied, "No!"

    "Then you're not old enough.", said the grandfather.

    A couple of more hours went by, and the grandfather lit a cigarette. Again the grandson noticed and asked, "Grandpa, can I have a cigarette"? The grandfather replied, "Is your penis long enough to touch your asshole?" Again the grandson replied, "No!"

    "Well you're not big enough to smoke yet.", said the grandfather.

    About an hour had passed and it began to get late, so the grandfather decided to pack it up and head for home. On their way home they stopped at a store, grandpa bought two lottery tickets and gave his grandson one. Grandpa scratched his off, but didn't win anything, The grandson scratched his off and won $10,000. Grandpa was all happy and surprised that his grandson had won and he asked, "Are you going to give some of that money to grandpa?" The boy looked at him and replied, "Grandpa, is your penis big enough to touch your ass?" Grandpa looked at him for a moment, then replied, "YES!"

    "Good, then go fuck yourself!", said the grandson.

  2. Four words to ruin a man's ego ...

    "Is it in YET?"

  3. What does a Rubix cube and a penis have in common?

    The longer you play with them, the harder they get.

  4. A man walks into a bar ...


  5. One day a man is watering his garden and notices two hearst drive by followed by a man, a dog and a long single file of men that could easily be a mile long.

    Curious he decides to talk to the man leading the way.
    "Excuse me" he says "who is the person in the first hearst?""My wife" he answered.

    "Sorry to hear that. How did she die?" he asked.
    "My dog bit her".
    "and who's in the second hearst?"
    "My Mother-in-law"
    "How did she die?"
    "My dog bit her".
    Astonished at this the man asked "May I borrow your dog?"
    "Get in line"

  6. Patty loves to drink at the local bar, but his wife disapproves of this. One night, he's at the bar and he gets extremely drunk. He tries to stand up, but immedeatly falls to the floor. He tries this a few more times, but each time he falls to the floor. People offered to help him, but he said no each time. He finally ended up dragging himself home and sneaking into bed, thinking his wife would never catch him.

    The next morning, Patty's wife says, "Patty, you son of a bitch! You were at the bar last night drinking again!"

    Patty was confused. "How did you find out?"

    "The bar called. You left your wheelchair there."

  7. Chinese: "Me not come to work, me sick."

    Boss: "When I'm sick I have sex with my wife, try it."

    Later chinese called back: "It worked. Me better. You got nice house!"

  8. What is a man's idea of foreplay?

    A half hour of begging.

  9. What is the difference between a man and childbirth?

    One can be terribly painful and sometimes almost unbearable while the other is just having a baby.
